Bacterial Vaginosis or Thrush: Here Are Few Differences

 Two widespread causes of unusual vaginal discharge include Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) and Thrush (Vaginal Candidiasis). They're generally harmless, but having them is a pain.

Your vaginal microbiome and pH are out of balance, contributing to BV and thrush. There are billions of bacteria in your vaginal flora, but lactobacilli—good bacteria that prevent infections—are the most significant.

What Is the Sensation of BV?

Typical BV symptoms don't include soreness, itchiness, or irritation. Although it's not a dangerous infection, it may raise your risk of getting an STI (the exact reason why is unknown), so it's critical to get treatment as soon as possible.

What does BV Feel Like?

BV isn’t usually associated with soreness, itching or irritation. It’s not a dangerous infection, but it may increase your risk of contracting STIs (the reason for this is still unclear), so it’s important to treat it as soon as possible. 

How to Handle BV

When symptoms do appear, an antibiotic called metronidazole is used in treating BV because it is frequently asymptomatic and resolves on its own. 

Additionally, it's crucial that you abstain from alcohol while taking metronidazole (soz). Additionally, pessaries or vaginal creams that increase lactobacilli growth and restore acidity may be prescribed to you.

The available treatments aren't very effective in the long run because doctors aren't entirely sure of what causes BV. Uncomfortably, BV frequently returns after

Advice for Avoiding BV

That doesn't mean you can't take steps to lower your chance of getting bacterial vaginosis. If you have a higher chance of getting BV again:

  • Stay away from scented soaps and shower gels.
  • To clean your underwear, use gentle detergents.
  • Regularly consume probioticsShowers are preferable to baths.
  • Change your pads and tampons frequently.
  • Make sure you're wiping properly (from front to back!
  • After working out, immediately take them off.

What is Thrush?

Symptoms of BV are frequently mistaken for those of vulvovaginal candidiasis (AKA a yeast infection or thrush). 

Thrush is caused by yeast, whereas BV is caused by bacteria (a type of fungus). As a result, the treatment and symptoms will vary.

How Does Thrush Feel?

Thrush is generally not harmful, but it can be extremely uncomfortable. A thick, white, cottage cheese-like discharge is the most typical sign of thrush, as well as: vulva or vaginal burning or itching, a burning sensation when you urinate, uncomfortable sexual contact

You might see vulva or vaginal opening swelling and redness in more serious cases.

Treatment for Thrush

Fortunately, thrush is typically quickly curable with clotrimazole, an anti-fungal vaginal cream.

There is no proof to support the claim that putting live yoghurt on your vulva will treat thrush, despite what you may have read online. Let's limit our diet for the moment to yoghurt only.

Advice for Avoiding Vaginal Thrush

Refractory vaginal infections have no long-term, effective management options, and overusing antibiotics can have negative long-term effects. Therefore, prevention is crucial.

Reduce Your Risk Factors By:

  • Constantly use a condom
  • Wear cotton underpants (washed in gentle detergent)
  • Avoid using the toilet and vaginal washes.
  • Shower only with warm water to clean your vulva; take high-quality probiotics rather than a bath.

Although they may not be a serious threat to your health, recurrent vaginal infections can affect your quality of life and interfere with your sex life and self-esteem. Who, ultimately, has the time to manage thrush or BV on a regular basis?


As a medical professional, I can state that either Thrush or Bacterial Vaginosis require an immediate professional consultation. 

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